Slovak Studies. Rivista dell’Istituto Storico Slovacco di Roma, 2019, roč. 5, č. 1 – 2
Martin Homza: Rus’ and the Russians – Hungary and the Hungarians. An Attempted Parallel – (7)
Emília Hrabovec: Bischof Pavol Hnilica und der Heilige Stuhl (1951 – 1990) – (36)
Anna A. Hlaváčová: The Return of the Russian Delegation from the Council of Florence. Through the Medieval Kingdom of Hungary – (79)
Ľubomíra Wilšinská: I Basiliani nello specchio delle fonti scritte legate alla tradizione bizantino-slava in Slovacchia a cavallo tra il XVIII e il XIX secolo – (93)
Juraj Červenka: Austro-Hungarian Flyers of k. u. k. Luftfahrtruppen from the Territory of Modern Slovakia Deployed above the Valsugana – (101)
Peter Slepčan: Le prime notizie sull’uccisione degli ebrei a firma di Burzio. Il retroscena d’un rapporto inviato da Bratislava – (113)
Beáta Katrebová Blehová: Congressman Charles J. Kersten and the United States of America Congress’ Select committee on Communist Aggression – (125)