
Slovak Studies. Rivista dell’Istituto Storico Slovacco di Roma, 2018, roč. 4, č. 1 – 2


Eva Frimmová: On the decision making of the Papal Curia at the beginning of the 16th century, according to the minutes of the Consistorial Archive(7)

Peter Benka: Oaths in Bardejov at the end of the 17th and in the 18th century(30)

Bohumila Ferenčuhová: Le traité franco-yougoslave et l’Italie. Aristide Briand et l’aboutissement des pourparlers (1925 – 1927)(54)

Ivan A. Petranský: La cultura artistica nel XIX secolo. artisti provenienti dalla Slovacchia a Roma – ricerca archivistica(90)

Alena Piatrová: Jozef Cincík e l’Istituto slovacco dei SS. Cirillo e Metodio a Roma. Una riflessione sulla produzione artistica per l’ISSCM(110)


Anna A. Hlaváčová: The snows in the one-way itineraries of “A journey to Florence”(143)

Svorad Zavarský: Honor circularis (1675). A precious manuscript witnessing the beginnings of Piarist philosophy in Prievidza(157)